Wonderful Antique Cigar Silk Quilt, 21-ish Inches Square

Regular price $210.00

I've had a few cigar silk quilts in the shop, which feel like great treasures every time I find them, each one stunning in its glorious shades of gold, and each reflecting its individual maker, including the range of brands of cigars they were able to attain ribbons from! Some are especially striking for the way the brand names were very precisely lined up in rows, but this one I love more for the opposite reason: though very carefully sewn together with tiny red freehand stitches and given a nice cotton backing, this maker took a somewhat looser approach, more often letting the brand names just fall where they might. As such it feels a bit more like a "crazy quilt" than most, and also is not quite a perfect square, giving it just the right amount of wonkiness for me! And I know from the seller that it was her great grandmother who made it, which makes it feel all the more special. (Plus, I really do love how often "Sweets" appears!) These seem to be getting harder to come by and more dear when I do find them, and I am picky about the ones I like!

21" x 21 1/2" and in very good condition with just a bit of minor staining and very minor fraying at the bottom right corner, no real matter. All of the stitches are holding tight and the backing is in great shape too. The color is a little better/more accurate in the nearer details.