Gorgeous Double Layer Victorian Parquetry Puzzle in Original Box with Hand-colored Design Cards

Regular price $125.00

Really special! The hand-colored lithograph on the front of the slide top box holding this parquetry set reads "The Art of Parqueter" across the top and then "Chinese Puzzle" below,  relating parquetry to the Chinese tangram puzzle, which had become popular in both Europe and the U.S. in the 19th century. One finds Victorian era Tangram sets around in wood or ceramic and comprised of seven flat polygons to be arranged in a square, but this is the earliest wooden parquetry set I have come across, 1870s or so and made in Germany I might guess, and it's a beauty! 

Inside the box are two complete layers of blocks, as pictured. In addition are three gorgeous double-sided design cards, I believe printed then hand-colored, though they almost look as if hand-drawn. (I'd be inclined to frame these as they're so beautiful, and hang them on the wall where they could be referenced while playing with the tiles.) As evident, there are darker and lighter tones to the wooden pieces, which is helpful in following the designs on the cards and also lends a more three dimensional effect. And one all the pieces are laid out on the table, there are infinite free form designs one might make and I must say I could play with these all day.

Box measures 7 1/4" x 7 1/4" x 1 1/2". Blocks and design cards are in very good condition. There is an old repaired split as well as a carved out hole on the sliding top of the box, and a split in the bottom, but it is holding together just fine, and the lid slides on and off easily. The lithographed label is in good shape, and the box overall is structurally sound.