I spotted this board from a distance hanging on the wall at a shop I frequent regularly in inland Maine the other day and made a beeline for it--such a beautiful combination of colors in very old paint; to my eye formal perfection. It does not appear that it was originally symmetrical--i.e. I don't think there was ever a second "well" at "top", but it did lose the fourth side of the perimeter framing at the edge of the well that exists. My eye doesn't mind that loss at all, as it allows the eye to travel south without coming to a stop, enhancing a sense of verticality and motion, and making it feel all the more like a very much resolved painting to me. And the flip side is a beautiful deep blue.
13 7/8" x 10 13/16" x 11/16". Aside from missing piece of framing as noted, in very good condition, beautifully aged, with square iron nails around the perimeter. It came with a hook attached to the "top" edge for hanging; I removed it but will include in the event you'd like to use it.