Lincoln's Tomb, 1905 Ink and Crayon Drawing by J.H. Adair, Spring Grove, PA

Regular price $75.00

I purchased this and several more drawings by the same maker from a seller in Pennsylvania, where they originated, the work of a J.H Adair of Spring Grove, PA, who signed a few of them and dated a couple 1905. These are the sorts of drawings that get me excited; I couldn't snatch them up fast enough--pure joy! And this drawing of Lincoln's Tomb feels especially poignant at the moment. I also like the way her wrote Springfield, IL as Spring Field, as if akin to Spring Grove. Several more by Adair listed today, sharing a certain kinship to a batch of drawings by young PA artist Wayne Blouch from the same period, which I presented in an online exhibition in partnership with Ricco Maresca gallery a couple of years ago.

9" x 5 1/2". Ink and crayon on lined paper. I have mended a few tears and stabilized with some clear archival tape on the reverse. The paper is a bit brittle but now in good stable condition.