1492-1881, A Poetic History of America on a Ledger Page, with Doodles

Regular price $75.00

This page was salvaged from an old ledger in an overall state of disrepair--and I think is really quite a poignant thing, making a sort of poetry of selected moments in American history as it distills them into a list of sorts, starting with 1776, then jumping back to 1492, then extending to 1881, which I believe is about when it was written. Year 1794 was trouble with an insurrection. Year 1812 saw a war with her once mother country. 1861 saw a bitter war between the different states. 1862 saw a fight between Iron Clads. 1865 saw the murder of a famous man in a theatre. 1867 saw the purchase of a cold country.... With sketches (including George Washington? at top) woven in. 

10 1/2" x 8". C. 1881, Haverhill, MA. In good condition.