Very Sweet Little Homade Toy Cart with Red Wheels and Many Nails

Regular price $28.00

I do sometimes think I was put on the planet to make sure things like this little toy cart don't get lost in the shuffle--it's not even a choice; bringing them home feels like a requisite action. This one did require a little mending--one of the axels was split, so I glued it back together, then nailed it back to the base. Definitely a bit wonky, and I wouldn't go crashing it into other cars, but the wheels will roll and it is holding together just fine. With tiny nails decorating the entire perimeter, and a fantastic dry patina to that old piece of wood. A very charming platform for a little carved animal or two, too! 

4 1/4" x 3 3/4". Wheels 1 3/8" in diameter. Wonky as evident and one wants to be a little gentle, but stable and wonderfully aged.