As is surely clear by now, I love old blocks sets of all sorts, but there is something uniquely satisfying about large sets of unpainted wooden ones like this--elegant and elemental and like the pure embodiment of creative possibility. And it is rare that I come across a set with such a complete scope of sizes as this--a modular range of rectangles and squares, plus round columns and half spheres and very pointy cones, too. Beautiful. I don't have children, but if I did, this is what they would get for Christmas--and it would be a gift for myself, too, as I find playing around with these pure joy and could do so for many hours.
Box (pictured in later photos) measures 14 5/8" x 8 1/2" x 3 1/2" t. One end of the box was mended at some point (card stock replacing wood at one end); it is holding together, but not very sturdy. Blocks themselves are in beautiful shape, c. early 20th century. First two photos show all blocks together, then photos document groups of them by size/form.