The sweetest thing. I love an herbarium, but this little one, entirely handmade, makes me especially happy--with the title on the cover telling us that the twelve pressed flowers inside were all gathered around Alton Bay, New Hampshire--a 4-mile-long cove of Lake Winnipesaukee, at the southernmost point on the lake. The small scale is part of what makes it great, with perfectly selected, singular little specimens that fit the pages just right, and then these carefully typed and pasted down labels completing the pages perfectly. And red yarn pulled through two holes to bing it, with a red ribbon added for flourish. Charming.
4" x 4 3/4" closed. C. early 20th century. Board covers with handwritten title. 12 pages of pressed flowers. All in very good condition; just a couple of minor losses to flowers, most in pretty much pristine condition, as documented. With a handwritten note on the inside of the cover: "Please give to Lora."