Love at first sight with this one--photos do no justice, but it is heavy for its size and of a nice scale; an object with a real presence. Of course what first sold me was the brass MARYANN over the front door--surely indicating that this bank was the creation of a father or grandfather for their much beloved girl. And a one-off, scratch-made creation I am sure, with the chimney doubling as a coin slot and the hinged front door opening wide to fetch one's fortune. Great iconic house of a form, nice clean lines, dark blue paint, terrific patina. Love.
6 3/4" t x 4" w x 2 3/4" d and heavy for its size, welded together of some kind of sheet metal, sturdy and sound. Surface wear/ light scratches to the paint right where they should be, where the door opens--suggesting Maryann saved, and retrieved, some $! Earlyish 20th c. I believe.