I'm finding myself ever-more attracted to old things bearing phrases that feel timely in the present moment; finding this large hand-painted Georgian snuff/tobacco box, for example, felt like the distant past was sending urgent message of warning straight to us now! And yes, of course honesty is the best policy--how did we forget???? I know this is English, c. 1790s--an early one, painted tin, and an especially large one, for tobacco or a table-scale snuff box. I love how the folkiness of the lettering is, and the decoration at either end which make it feel a bit like an Easter egg, and that cross atop what I believe is meant to be a bee skep. And perhaps best of all, scratched into the underside of the lid: Uncle Harry, I believe, but with those "r"s looking a lot like z" and so as if Uncle Hazzy, hazy from too much snuff!
7" w x 3 15/16" x 1 1/16" and in good condition.Good weight tin in black paint. Lid closes tight and opens easily. Some paint loss/surface wear to the face as one would expect.