You Are A Fool, W.A. Colby's Marvelous Double-Sided Notebook Spread with Ciphering, Drawings, More

Regular price $75.00

Total joy finding this one, purchased from a favorite dealer in Maine with just about my favorite eye of anyone I know. It is a two page spread from an c. late 19th century lined notebook with pretty much every inch filled on both sides--teeming with a fantastic sense of immediacy and even urgency to what I take mostly as cipher writing, i.e. secret code. The manner of the lettering just makes me swoon, veering back and forth between capitals and lower case, with some numbers interspersed too, and with a sense of the graphite pencil having been pressed to the page very hard! Whether "YOU ARE A FOOL" is a decoding of that ciphering or a comment on the red ink cursive it covers I am not sure--with the latter beginning "Where will you spend eternity. Christ died for you"! Layers upon layers of juiciness, and some great ink doodles too, of a man and what looks like a horse, and also what looks a bit like a tornado but is labelled a toboggan! 

12 3/16" x 7 3/8" and in very good condition, all very clear and bold and paper not at all fragile.