One of a couple more today by a young J.H Adair of Spring Grove, PA, c. 1905, which I purchased together; just my sort of drawings. I found a number of Neiswangers in Lancaster Country, PA , including two Henrys, one born in 1796 and one in 1857, both of whom ultimately wound up in Ohio. I'm a sucker for a Pennsylvania folk art drawing of a barn, but it's the specific of this one I really love, with the majority of attention paid to detailing the stables, including distinguishing the stalls for the cows from the stalls for the horses. I might guess our young JH Adair knew the names of each of the Neiswanger's cows and horses, too!
8 x 5 5/8. I mended a few tears with transparent archival tape on the reverse. Small loss to upper right corner and some old creases to the paper as documented. Stable now, black and orange-red ink on lined paper.