Old Climax Tobacco Plug Tin

Regular price $20.00

Just for fun—and for storing a tiny thing or two that gives one pleasure!:)

A bit of history: Climax tobacco Climax plug (chewing) tobacco was manufactured by the P. Lorillard Company, begining in the 1870s. The P. Lorillard Company was founded in 1760 by Pierre Lorillard I, and is the United States oldest tobacco company. It began by manufacturing snuff at the snuff mill that is now part of the New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx!  Pierre Lorillard is said to have been New York’s first millionaire.

3 5/16 x 2 1/16 x 7/16”. Much used and worn condition. I believe this is an early iteration of this tin, early-ish 20th c. or so. The lid opens and closes fine but it does not hold tightly closed.