From a second batch of drawings by the prolific and endlessly inventive Chicago artist James Frederic Bone (1929-2015), this is one of two wonderful 1991 cutout silhouette self-portraits, with the features playfully rendered in black ink dots and line. Often recycling materials in his work, this one makes use of page 17 of an essay invoking Freud, Philp Rieff, and contemporary culture’s annihilation of intellectual diversity!
What I know about James Bone is that he was born in Brownsville, Texas, received his MFA from the University of Arkansas, and moved to the Hyde Park section of Chicago, IL in the 1970s. I've also found some citations of art reviews he wrote for the Chicago Reader in the 1980s. From all that I’ve have seen, he was possessed with a consummate curiosity and keen intelligence in addition to a terrific aesthetic sensibility and sensitive touch; I must say that I have truly and deeply fallen in love with his work!
8.5” × 11 1/4” and in very good condition.