SOLD Folk Art Carved Miniature Chair and Rocker in Mint and Red Paint

Regular price $70.00

I purchased these two chairs together with two more chairs and a table, listed separately, clearly made by the same parent or grandparent for a child many years ago, but thought perhaps best to split into two groups, as the minty green and red paint packs quite a visual punch. I think they're quite fantastic, each piece invested with a whole lot of love, and I must say this rocker, with scalloped carving along the top of the back, is my favorite of all. Of a nice scale, cheerful and charming and most definitely one of a kind.

Rocker: 3 9/16" t x 3 1/4" w x 4" d. High back: 4 7/8" x 3 7/8" w x 3 1/4" d. 1930s or so I think, in good and sturdy condition, with wear to the paint here and there, all to the good I think.