Everyone That Is Proud In Heart is An Abomination, Large 19th C. Hand Hooked Folk Art Rug

Regular price $350.00

I've actually never bought a hooked rug before, but this week (couple of weeks) I found two that won me over--and this one I'm very very tempted to keep for myself, like the Jesse Howard to hooked rugs, just my sort. The verse comes from Proverbs 16:5, King James Version, speaking to the sin of arrogance. For me the rendering of the declaration in capital block letters is just right, with bold black for emphasis--feels like the voice of God from on high, and especially right for spelling out ABOMINATION and (UN)PUNISHED! Also feels to me just right to have this particular declaration unfurling across the face of a rug, meant to be laid on the floor and walked over--an embodiment of humility and utility, the opposite of proud. (And yet I might be inclined to give it a place of pride on the wall, now!) Special, and excellent, 19th c. believe.

47" x 30 1/2” and in very good condition, no losses, and with a nice brown braided fabric perimeter, holding tight and neat all the way around.