I couldn’t resist the pure loveliness of this one, which photos do no justice; the frame holds what I am sure is the original glass, and its a bit hard to shoot though. I have a weakness for these 19th c. theorem style watercolors of roses, and even more so when they contain a butterfly or two as here, rarer to find. Theorem painting was first taught in the U.S. to young women in academies and boarding schools in New England, and made use of stencils for laying out and coloring the forms, to which shading and additional detail was then added—here right down to patterning on the veins of the leaves and very tiny lower wings of the smaller butterfly here.
Framed, as found, in terrific period frame with hand-cut glass and wood panel back: 10 3/16" x 8 9/16". Watercolor on paper, mounted to backing paper. Watercolor itself: 4 3/4 x 6 1/6”. Very good condition. Wired on the back for hanging.