Such a fun one--which was definitely made to be used, with carved pegs for keeping track of whether eggs or lard, butter or tomattoes [sic] were needed. I I love a good list, all the better a carved one, and really like the mix of items here, and the order in which they appear--revealing an active thought process of ticking through the necessities, but in a bit of a jumping-around/associative sort of order, as is very human...soap to soup, matches to oil to fish, but then to oats before being sure to include clams as its own thing. And don't forget the pickels! [sic] Great. Surely there were once more pegs, but five original remain, and it wouldn't take much to make some more.
17 1/2" t x 4" w. 2nd quarter 20th c. I would think, with a bit of stain loss here and there, minor.